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Usage as Theme

├── wp-content
|   ├── themes
|   |   ├── themename
|   |   ├── functions.php
|   |   ├── ...
|   |   ├── ...
 * Codestar Framework
 * A Lightweight and easy-to-use WordPress Options Framework
require_once get_template_directory() .'/cs-framework/cs-framework.php';

// -( or )-
// require_once get_template_directory() .'/subfolder/cs-framework/cs-framework.php';

This is not meant replace your main functions.php, only put this code below your codes

Usage as Plugin

├── wp-content
|   ├── plugins
|   |   ├── akismet
|   |   ├── cs-framework
|   |   ├── ...
|   |   ├── ...


Standard Configure

├── cs-framework
|   ├── config
|   |   ├── framework.config.php
|   |   ├── metabox.config.php
|   |   ├── taxonomy.config.php
|   |   ├── shortcode.config.php
|   |   ├── customize.config.php

After installation, you can modify directly config files from cs-framework/config folder. this is method same for plugin or theme methods.

Override Configure

├── themename
|   ├── cs-framework-override
|   |   ├── config
|   |   |   ├── framework.config.php
|   |   |   ├── metabox.config.php
|   |   |   ├── taxonomy.config.php
|   |   |   ├── shortcode.config.php
|   |   |   ├── customize.config.php

If you do not want to touch framework files, you can use override method. Create a folder /cs-framework-override/ on your theme directory and copy any orginal config file here. Also you can use this method for child theme. create same folder on child theme and modify your copies.

Filterable Configure

// framework options filter example
function extra_cs_framework_options( $options ) {

  $options      = array(); // remove old options

  $options[]    = array(
    'name'      => 'section_unique_id',
    'title'     => 'First Section',
    'icon'      => 'fa fa-heart',
    'fields'    => array(
        'id'    => 'option_id',
        'type'  => 'text',
        'title' => 'First Option',
        'id'    => 'another_option_id',
        'type'  => 'textarea',
        'title' => 'Secondary Option',

  return $options;

add_filter( 'cs_framework_options', 'extra_cs_framework_options' );

If you do not want to touch framework files, you can use add_filter method. You can see all filters for options below.

Hook Hook Name
add_filter cs_framework_options
add_filter cs_framework_settings
add_filter cs_metabox_options
add_filter cs_taxonomy_options
add_filter cs_shortcode_options
add_filter cs_customize_options



  'id'    => 'unique_option_101', // this is must be unique
  'type'  => 'text',
  'title' => 'Text Field',

Another Text Field Example

  'id'      => 'unique_option_102', // another unique id
  'type'    => 'text',
  'title'   => 'Another Text Field',
  'desc'    => 'This is an option',
  'help'    => 'Write something',
  'default' => 'do stuff',

How to getting value from a option field

echo cs_get_option( 'unique_option_102' ); // output: do stuff
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type text type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize text sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’


  'id'    => 'unique_option_201',
  'type'  => 'textarea',
  'title' => 'Textarea Field',

Another Textarea Field Example

  'id'            => 'unique_option_202',
  'type'          => 'textarea',
  'title'         => 'Another Textarea Field',
  'desc'          => 'This is an option',
  'help'          => 'Write something',
  'attributes'    => array(
    'placeholder' => 'Do stuff',
    'rows'        => 20,
  'after'         => '<p class="class-name">Some informations for this option.</p>',
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type textarea type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize textarea sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
shortcode false shortcode support of field


  'id'    => 'unique_option_301',
  'type'  => 'checkbox',
  'title' => 'Checkbox Field',
  'label' => 'Yes, Please do it.'
  'id'      => 'unique_option_302',
  'type'    => 'checkbox',
  'title'   => 'Checkbox Field',
  'label'   => 'Yes, Please do it.',
  'default' => true
  'id'         => 'unique_option_303',
  'type'       => 'checkbox',
  'title'      => 'Checkbox Field',
  'options'    => array(
    'bmw'      => 'BMW',
    'mercedes' => 'Mercedes',
    'audi'     => 'Audi',
  'id'       => 'unique_option_304',
  'type'     => 'checkbox',
  'title'    => 'Checkbox Field',
  'options'  => array(
    'green'  => 'Green',
    'blue'   => 'Blue',
    'yellow' => 'Yellow',
    'red'    => 'Red',
    'black'  => 'Black',
    'white'  => 'White',
  'default'  => array( 'blue', 'red' )
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type checkbox type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize checkbox sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
label string label of a checkbox
options array options of checkboxes
query_args array query args for wordpress core checkboxes
default array default value of field


Checkbox with default wordpress pages see for more query_args

  'id'      => 'unique_option_305',
  'type'    => 'checkbox',
  'title'   => 'Checkbox for Pages',
  'options' => 'pages',
  'id'            => 'unique_option_306',
  'type'          => 'checkbox',
  'title'         => 'Checkbox for Pages',
  'options'       => 'pages',
  // query_args is option for all
  'query_args'    => array(
    'sort_order'  => 'ASC',
    'sort_column' => 'post_title',

We are getting wordpress default pages via get_pages( $args ) function. And you can use wordpress core query args here. see for more query_args


Checkbox with default wordpress posts learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_307',
  'type'           => 'checkbox',
  'title'          => 'Checkbox for Posts',
  'options'        => 'posts',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'orderby'      => 'post_date',
    'order'        => 'DESC',


Checkbox with default wordpress categories learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_308',
  'type'           => 'checkbox',
  'title'          => 'Checkbox for Posts',
  'options'        => 'categories',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'orderby'      => 'name',
    'order'        => 'ASC',


Checkbox with default wordpress post tags learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_309',
  'type'           => 'checkbox',
  'title'          => 'Checkbox for Post Tags',
  'options'        => 'tags',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'orderby'      => 'name',
    'order'        => 'ASC',


Checkbox with CPT (custom post type) posts learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_310',
  'type'           => 'checkbox',
  'title'          => 'Checkbox for CPT Posts',
  'options'        => 'posts',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'post_type'    => 'movies',
    'orderby'      => 'post_date',
    'order'        => 'DESC',


Checkbox with CPT (custom post type) categories learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_311',
  'type'           => 'checkbox',
  'title'          => 'Checkbox for CPT Posts',
  'options'        => 'categories',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'type'         => 'movies',
    'taxonomy'     => 'movies_taxonomy',
    'orderby'      => 'post_date',
    'order'        => 'DESC',


Checkbox with CPT (custom post type) tags learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_312',
  'type'           => 'checkbox',
  'title'          => 'Checkbox for CPT Tags',
  'options'        => 'tags',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'taxonomies'   => array( 'post_tag', 'your_tax' ),
    'orderby'      => 'post_date',
    'order'        => 'ASC',


  'id'      => 'unique_option_401',
  'type'    => 'radio',
  'title'   => 'Radio Field',
  'options' => array(
    'yes'   => 'Yes, Please.',
    'no'    => 'No, Thanks.',
  'id'      => 'unique_option_402',
  'type'    => 'radio',
  'title'   => 'Radio Field',
  'options' => array(
    'yes'   => 'Yes, Please.',
    'no'    => 'No, Thanks.',
  'default' => 'no',
  'id'         => 'unique_option_403',
  'type'       => 'radio',
  'title'      => 'Radio Field',
  'options'    => array(
    'green'    => 'Green',
    'blue'     => 'Blue',
    'yellow'   => 'Yellow',
    'red'      => 'Red',
    'black'    => 'Black',
    'white'    => 'White',
  'default'    => 'blue'
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type radio type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize checkbox sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
options array options of radios
query_args array query args for wordpress core radios
default array default value of field


Already Radio using same checkbox options see for options just you will change type as radio


  'id'             => 'unique_option_501',
  'type'           => 'select',
  'title'          => 'Select Field',
  'options'        => array(
    'bmw'          => 'BMW',
    'mercedes'     => 'Mercedes',
    'audi'         => 'Audi',
  'default_option' => 'Select a car',
  'id'       => 'unique_option_502',
  'type'     => 'select',
  'title'    => 'Select Field',
  'options'  => array(
    'green'  => 'Green',
    'blue'   => 'Blue',
    'yellow' => 'Yellow',
  'default'  => 'blue',
  'id'         => 'unique_option_503',
  'type'       => 'select',
  'title'      => 'Select Field',
  'options'    => array(
    'green'    => 'Green',
    'blue'     => 'Blue',
    'yellow'   => 'Yellow',
  'attributes' => array(
    'multiple' => 'multiple',
    'style'    => 'width: 125px; height: 125px;',
  'default'    => array( 'blue', 'red' ),

Select with chosen script

  'id'         => 'unique_option_504',
  'type'       => 'select',
  'title'      => 'Select Field',
  'options'    => array(
    'green'    => 'Green',
    'blue'     => 'Blue',
    'yellow'   => 'Yellow',
  'class'      => 'chosen',

Multiple Select with chosen script

  'id'            => 'unique_option_505',
  'type'          => 'select',
  'title'         => 'Select Field',
  'options'       => array(
    'green'       => 'Green',
    'blue'        => 'Blue',
    'yellow'      => 'Yellow',
  'class'         => 'chosen',
  'attributes'    => array(
    'placeholder' => 'Select a color',
    'multiple'    => 'multiple',
    'style'       => 'width: 150px;'
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type select type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize null sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
options array options of radios
query_args array query args for wordpress core radios
default array default value of field
default_option array default option for first select option


Select with default wordpress pages see for more query_args

  'id'      => 'unique_option_506',
  'type'    => 'select',
  'title'   => 'Select Field for Pages',
  'options' => 'pages',
  'id'            => 'unique_option_507',
  'type'          => 'select',
  'title'         => 'Select Field for Pages',
  'options'       => 'pages',
  // query_args is option for all
  'query_args'    => array(
    'sort_order'  => 'ASC',
    'sort_column' => 'post_title',

We are getting wordpress default pages via get_pages( $args ) function. And you can use wordpress core query args here. see for more query_args

Select with posts

Select with default wordpress posts learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_508',
  'type'           => 'select',
  'title'          => 'Select Field for Posts',
  'options'        => 'posts',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'orderby'      => 'post_date',
    'order'        => 'DESC',
  'default_option' => 'Select a post'

Select with categories

Select with default wordpress categories learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_509',
  'type'           => 'select',
  'title'          => 'Select Field for Posts',
  'options'        => 'categories',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'orderby'      => 'name',
    'order'        => 'ASC',
  'default_option' => 'Select a category',

Select with tags

Select with default wordpress post tags learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_510',
  'type'           => 'select',
  'title'          => 'Select Field for Post Tags',
  'options'        => 'tags',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'orderby'      => 'name',
    'order'        => 'ASC',
  'default_option' => 'Select a tag',

Select with “custom post type” posts

Select with CPT (custom post type) posts learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_511',
  'type'           => 'select',
  'title'          => 'Select Field for CPT Posts',
  'options'        => 'posts',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'post_type'    => 'movies',
    'orderby'      => 'post_date',
    'order'        => 'DESC',
  'default_option' => 'Select a post',

Select with “custom post type” categories

Select with CPT (custom post type) categories learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_512',
  'type'           => 'select',
  'title'          => 'Select Field for CPT Posts',
  'options'        => 'categories',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'type'         => 'movies',
    'taxonomy'     => 'movies_taxonomy',
    'orderby'      => 'post_date',
    'order'        => 'DESC',
  'default_option' => 'Select a category',

Select with “custom post type” tags

Select with CPT (custom post type) tags learn more query_args

  'id'             => 'unique_option_513',
  'type'           => 'select',
  'title'          => 'Select Field for CPT Tags',
  'options'        => 'tags',
  'query_args'     => array(
    'taxonomies'   => array( 'post_tag', 'your_tax' ),
    'orderby'      => 'post_date',
    'order'        => 'ASC',
  'default_option' => 'Select a tag',


  'id'    => 'unique_option_601',
  'type'  => 'switcher',
  'title' => 'Switcher Field',
  'id'    => 'unique_option_602',
  'type'  => 'switcher',
  'title' => 'Switcher Field',
  'label' => 'Do you want to it ?',
  'id'      => 'unique_option_603',
  'type'    => 'switcher',
  'title'   => 'Switcher Field',
  'default' => true

Switcher with Dependency

  'id'         => 'unique_option_604',
  'type'       => 'switcher',
  'title'      => 'Switcher Field',
  'default'    => true
  'id'         => 'unique_option_1',
  'type'       => 'text',
  'title'      => 'Text Field',
  'dependency' => array( 'unique_option_604', '==', 'true' ) // dependency rule
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type text type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize text sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
label string label of a checkbox
default false default value of field


  'id'    => 'unique_option_701',
  'type'  => 'number',
  'title' => 'Number Field',

Another Number Field Example

  'id'      => 'unique_option_702',
  'type'    => 'number',
  'title'   => 'Number Field',
  'desc'    => 'This is an option.',
  'help'    => 'Write something.',
  'default' => '123456',
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type number type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default numeric default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize number sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’


  'id'    => 'unique_option_801',
  'type'  => 'icon',
  'title' => 'Icon Field',

Another Icon Field Example

  'id'      => 'unique_option_802',
  'type'    => 'icon',
  'title'   => 'Icon Field',
  'default' => 'fa fa-heart',
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type icon type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize null sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’


  'id'              => 'unique_option_901',
  'type'            => 'group',
  'title'           => 'Group Field',
  'button_title'    => 'Add New',
  'accordion_title' => 'Add New Field',
  'fields'          => array(
      'id'    => 'unique_option_901_text_1',
      'type'  => 'text',
      'title' => 'Text Field 100',
      'id'    => 'unique_option_901_upload_1',
      'type'  => 'upload',
      'title' => 'Upload Field',
      'id'    => 'unique_option_901_switcher_1',
      'type'  => 'switcher',
      'title' => 'Switcher Field',
  'id'              => 'unique_group_2',
  'type'            => 'group',
  'title'           => 'Group Field',
  'desc'            => 'Accordion title using the ID of the field.',
  'button_title'    => 'Add New',
  'accordion_title' => 'unique_group_2_text_2',
  'fields'          => array(

      'id'          => 'unique_group_2_text_1',
      'type'        => 'text',
      'title'       => 'Text Field 1',

      'id'          => 'unique_group_2_text_2',
      'type'        => 'text',
      'title'       => 'Text Field 2',

      'id'          => 'unique_group_2_text_3',
      'type'        => 'text',
      'title'       => 'Text Field 3',

Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type group type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
default array default value for group field
button_title string button title of group field
accordion_title string accordion title of group field or use ID of the field
fields array fields of group field this is inside fields of field


  'id'    => 'unique_option_1001',
  'type'  => 'upload',
  'title' => 'Upload Field',
  'id'            => 'unique_option_1002',
  'type'          => 'upload',
  'title'         => 'Upload Field',
  'settings'      => array(
   'upload_type'  => 'image',
   'button_title' => 'Upload',
   'frame_title'  => 'Select an image',
   'insert_title' => 'Use this image',
  'id'            => 'unique_option_1003',
  'type'          => 'upload',
  'title'         => 'Upload Field',
  'settings'      => array(
   'upload_type'  => 'video',
   'button_title' => 'Video',
   'frame_title'  => 'Select a video',
   'insert_title' => 'Use this video',
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type upload type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize text sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
settings array settings of field
upload_type image upload type of field. you can use image or video type
button_title ‘Upload’ button title of field
frame_title ‘Upload’ frame title of field
insert_title ‘Use Image’ insert title of field


  'id'    => 'unique_option_2001',
  'type'  => 'background',
  'title' => 'Background Field',
  'id'           => 'unique_option_2002',
  'type'         => 'background',
  'title'        => 'Background Field',
  'default'      => array(
    'image'      => '',
    'repeat'     => '',
    'position'   => '',
    'attachment' => '',
    'size'       => '',
    'color'      => '',
  'id'           => 'unique_option_2003',
  'type'         => 'background',
  'title'        => 'Background Field',
  'default'      => array(
    'image'      => get_template_directory_uri() .'/images/bg.png',
    'repeat'     => 'repeat-x',
    'position'   => 'center center',
    'attachment' => 'fixed',
    'size'       => 'cover',
    'color'      => '#ffbc00',
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type background type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize text sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
default array default value of field
image image default image value of field
repeat null default repeat value of field
attachment null default attachment value of field
size null default size value of field
color null default color value of field

Color Picker

  'id'    => 'unique_option_3001',
  'type'  => 'color_picker',
  'title' => 'Color Picker Field',
  'id'      => 'unique_option_3002',
  'type'    => 'color_picker',
  'title'   => 'Color Picker Field',
  'default' => '#ffbc00',
  'id'      => 'unique_option_3003',
  'type'    => 'color_picker',
  'title'   => 'Color Picker Field',
  'default' => '#ffbc00',
  'rgba'    => true,
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type color_picker type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize text sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
rgba true rgba support of picker

Image Select

Image select using checkbox method

  'id'        => 'image_select_option',
  'type'      => 'image_select',
  'title'     => 'Image Select Field',
  'options'   => array(
    'left'    => get_template_directory_uri() .'/sidebar/left-sidebar.png',
    'right'   => get_template_directory_uri() .'/sidebar/right-sidebar.png',
    'default' => get_template_directory_uri() .'/sidebar/default-sidebar.png',
  'default'   => 'right',

Image select using radio method

  'id'        => 'image_select_option',
  'type'      => 'image_select',
  'title'     => 'Image Select Field',
  'options'   => array(
    'left'    => get_template_directory_uri() .'/sidebar/left-sidebar.png',
    'right'   => get_template_directory_uri() .'/sidebar/right-sidebar.png',
    'default' => get_template_directory_uri() .'/sidebar/default-sidebar.png',
  'default'   => 'default',
  'radio'     => true,
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type image_select type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize text sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
default array default value of field
radio true use as radio


  'id'        => 'unique_option_4001',
  'type'      => 'typography',
  'title'     => 'Typography Field',
  'id'        => 'unique_option_4002',
  'type'      => 'typography',
  'title'     => 'Typography Field',
  'default'   => array(
    'family'  => 'Open Sans',
    'variant' => '800',
    'font'    => 'google', // this is helper for output
  'id'        => 'unique_option_4002',
  'type'      => 'typography',
  'title'     => 'Typography Field',
  'default'   => array(
    'family'  => 'Arial',
    'font'    => 'websafe',
// Typography without Chosen and Variant
  'id'        => 'unique_option_4002',
  'type'      => 'typography',
  'title'     => 'Typography Field',
  'default'   => array(
    'family'  => 'Ubuntu',
    'font'    => 'google',
  'variant'   => false,
  'chosen'    => false,
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type typography type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
attirbutes array attributes of field. supporting only html standard attributes see an example
sanitize text sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
default array default value of field
family font-face font family of field
variant 800 font family of variant
chosen true disable chosen select
font null helper for output google, websafe, custom


  'type'  => 'backup',
  'title' => 'Backup Field',
Key Default Description
type backup type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information


  'type'    => 'heading',
  'content' => 'Heading Field',
  'type'    => 'subheading',
  'content' => 'Sub Heading Field',
  'type'    => 'content',
  'content' => 'Lorem ipsum dollar.',
Key Default Description
type heading heading or subheading or content
content null content of field


  'id'    => 'wysiwyg_1',
  'type'  => 'wysiwyg',
  'title' => 'Wysiwyg Field',

Another Wysiwyg Field Example

  'id'       => 'wysiwyg_2',
  'type'     => 'wysiwyg',
  'title'    => 'Wysiwyg with Custom Settings',
  'settings' => array(
    'textarea_rows' => 5,
    'tinymce'       => false,
    'media_buttons' => false,
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type wysiwyg type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
sanitize wysiwyg sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
settings array An array of arguments. see more detail


  'id'    => 'image_1',
  'type'  => 'image',
  'title' => 'Image',

Another Wysiwyg Field Example

  'id'        => 'image_2',
  'type'      => 'image',
  'title'     => 'Image with Custom Title',
  'add_title' => 'Add Logo',

Front-End Basic Usage Example

$image_id = cs_get_option( 'gallery_1' );
$attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'full' );
var_dump( $attachment );
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type image type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
sanitize null sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
add_title null Add Image text change
  'id'    => 'gallery_1',
  'type'  => 'gallery',
  'title' => 'Gallery',

Another Gallery Field Example

  'id'          => 'gallery_2',
  'type'        => 'gallery',
  'title'       => 'Gallery with Custom Title',
  'add_title'   => 'Add Images',
  'edit_title'  => 'Edit Images',
  'clear_title' => 'Remove Images',

Front-End Basic Usage Example

$gallery = cs_get_option( 'gallery_1' );

if( ! empty( $gallery ) ) {

  $ids = explode( ',', $gallery );

  foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
    $attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, 'full' );
    var_dump( $attachment );

Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type gallery type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
sanitize null sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
add_title null Add Gallery text change
edit_title null Edit Gallery text change
clear_title null Clear text change


  'id'             => 'sorter_1',
  'type'           => 'sorter',
  'title'          => 'Sorter',
  'default'        => array(
    'enabled'      => array(
      'bmw'        => 'BMW',
      'mercedes'   => 'Mercedes',
      'volkswagen' => 'Volkswagen',
    'disabled'     => array(
      'ferrari'    => 'Ferrari',
      'mustang'    => 'Mustang',

Another Sorter Field Example

  'id'             => 'sorter_2',
  'type'           => 'sorter',
  'title'          => 'Sorter',
  'default'        => array(
    'enabled'      => array(
      'blue'       => 'Blue',
      'green'      => 'Green',
      'red'        => 'Red',
      'yellow'     => 'Yellow',
      'orange'     => 'Orange',
      'ocean'      => 'Ocean',
    'disabled'     => array(
      'black'      => 'Black',
      'white'      => 'White',
  'enabled_title'  => 'Active Colors',
  'disabled_title' => 'Deactive Colors',
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type sorter type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
sanitize null sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
enabled_title null Enabled Modules text change
disabled_title null Disabled Modules text change


  'id'        => 'fieldset_1',
  'type'      => 'fieldset',
  'title'     => 'Fieldset Field',
  'fields'    => array(

      'id'    => 'fieldset_1_text',
      'type'  => 'text',
      'title' => 'Text Field',

      'id'    => 'fieldset_1_upload',
      'type'  => 'upload',
      'title' => 'Upload Field',

      'id'    => 'fieldset_1_textarea',
      'type'  => 'textarea',
      'title' => 'Textarea Field',


Fieldset with Default and Subheading

  'id'        => 'fieldset_2',
  'type'      => 'fieldset',
  'title'     => 'Fieldset Field with Default',
  'fields'    => array(

      'type'    => 'subheading',
      'content' => 'Title of Fieldset',

      'id'      => 'fieldset_2_text',
      'type'    => 'text',
      'title'   => 'Text Field',

      'id'      => 'fieldset_2_checkbox',
      'type'    => 'checkbox',
      'title'   => 'Checkbox Field',
      'label'   => 'Are you sure?',

      'id'      => 'fieldset_2_textarea',
      'type'    => 'textarea',
      'title'   => 'Upload Field',

  'default'   => array(
    'fieldset_2_text'     => 'Hello',
    'fieldset_2_checkbox' => true,
    'fieldset_2_textarea' => 'Do stuff',
  'id'        => 'fieldset_3',
  'type'      => 'fieldset',
  'title'     => 'Fieldset Field',
  'un_array'  => true,
  'fields'    => array(

      'id'    => 'fieldset_1_text',
      'type'  => 'text',
      'title' => 'Text Field',

      'id'    => 'fieldset_1_textarea',
      'type'  => 'textarea',
      'title' => 'Textarea Field',


// un_array mode means,
// you can call fieldset children with out the fieldset id
// for eg.
echo cs_get_option( 'fieldset_1_text' );
echo cs_get_option( 'fieldset_1_textarea' );
Key Default Description
id unique an unique id - use nice name
type sorter type of option
title null title of field
desc null decription of field. this is showing below title. can be used html
default null default value of field
help null help tooltip of field
class null extra class of field.
wrap_class null extra class of field wrapper
dependency null dependency for showing and hiding fields see an example
before null extra text for field before area
after null extra text for field after area
name null name of field
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
sanitize null sanitize of field. can be enabled or disabled
validate null validate of field. can be enabled or disabled
multilang false multilangual support of field
show_only_lang null multilangual support for language keys eg. ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’
Extra Key
fields array fields of group field this is inside fields of field
un_array false Means you can call fieldset children with out the fieldset id


  'type'    => 'notice',
  'class'   => 'success',
  'content' => 'Success: Lorem Ipsum Dollar.',
  'type'    => 'notice',
  'class'   => 'warning',
  'content' => 'Warning: Lorem Ipsum Dollar.',
  'type'    => 'notice',
  'class'   => 'danger',
  'content' => 'Danger: Lorem Ipsum Dollar.',
  'type'    => 'notice',
  'class'   => 'info',
  'content' => 'Info: Lorem Ipsum Dollar.',
Key Default Description
type notice type of option
class null success, warning, danger, info classes for notice
content null content of field


// cs-framework/fields/password/password.php
 * Field: Password
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
class CSFramework_Option_password extends CSFramework_Options {

  public function __construct( $field, $value = '', $unique = '' ) {
    parent::__construct( $field, $value, $unique );

  public function output(){

    echo $this->element_before();

    echo '<input type="password" name="'. $this->element_name() .'" value="'. $this->element_value() .'"'. $this->element_class() . $this->element_attributes() .'/>';

    echo $this->element_after();




  'id'    => 'option_id',
  'type'  => 'password',
  'title' => 'Password Field',
  'id'      => 'my_first_option',
  'type'    => 'password',
  'title'   => 'Password Field',
  'desc'    => 'This is my extendable option.',
  'help'    => 'Write something. This is important for something.',
  'default' => '123456',

You can create your own extenable fields. This example for a password field.

Key Default Description
id option_id an unique name use nice name
type text type of option
title string Title of field
desc null Field Decription, you can write html
default null Default value for field when start framework
help null Help for option, it will show on tooltip
name null custom input name
debug null showing all config information
debug_light null showing some config information
dependency null extra element class name design element field.
class null extra element class name design element field.
wrap_class null extra element area class name.
before null extra content for field before supporting html tags
after null extra content for field after supporting html tags
attirbutes array input tag attributes supporting html standard attributes w3school
sanitize text input text sanitize you can turn off with false
validate null input text validate you can turn off with false
multilang false multilangual text support
show_only_lang null multilangual text support you can use ‘en’ or ‘tr’ or ‘es’


Framework Configure

├── themename
|   ├── cs-framework
|   |   ├── config
|   |   |   ├── framework.config.php

take a look framework.config.php example

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die; } // Cannot access pages directly.
 * CSFramework Config
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0

// Top level Menu
$settings           = array(
  'menu_title'      => 'Framework',
  'menu_type'       => 'menu', // menu, submenu, options, theme, etc.
  'menu_slug'       => 'cs-framework',
  'ajax_save'       => false,
  'show_reset_all'  => false,
  'framework_title' => 'Codestar Framework <small>by Codestar</small>',

// child of another menu in wordpress
$settings           = array(
  'menu_title'      => 'Framework',
  'menu_type'       => 'theme', // <----- under appearance
  'menu_slug'       => 'cs-framework',
  'ajax_save'       => false,
  'show_reset_all'  => false,
  'framework_title' => 'Codestar Framework <small>by Codestar</small>',

// child of another by parent slug
$settings           = array(
  'menu_title'      => 'Framework',
  'menu_type'       => 'submenu', // <------- set to submenu
 'menu_parent'      => 'your_parent_slug', // <-------
  'menu_slug'       => 'cs-framework',
  'ajax_save'       => false,
  'show_reset_all'  => false,
  'framework_title' => 'Codestar Framework <small>by Codestar</small>',

// Framework Options
$options      = array();

// a new setting section
$options[]    = array(
  'name'      => 'section_1',
  'title'     => 'Section #1',
  'icon'      => 'fa fa-repeat',
  'fields'    => array(

    // a text field
      'id'    => 'section_1_text',
      'type'  => 'text',
      'title' => 'Text Option Field',

    // a textarea field
      'id'    => 'section_1_textarea',
      'type'  => 'textarea',
      'title' => 'Textarea Option Field',


CSFramework::instance( $settings, $options );

How to getting options

echo cs_get_option( 'section_1_text' );
echo cs_get_option( 'section_1_textarea' );

Let’s open themename/cs-framework/config/framework.config.php all examples there

Settings keys Default Description
menu_parent null working with “submenu” type
menu_title Framework options menu name
menu_type menu type of menu, submenu, options, theme, etc.
menu_slug cs-framework slug of menu
menu_icon null supporting dashicon
menu_position null menu of position
menu_capability manage_options capability
ajax_save false saving options without refresh
show_reset_all false show -reset all options- button
framework_title text options framework header title

also you can use override method for config. see override

Metabox Configure

├── themename
|   ├── cs-framework
|   |   ├── config
|   |   |   ├── metabox.config.php

take a look metabox.config.php example

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die; } // Cannot access pages directly.
 * CSFramework Metabox Config
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
$options        = array();

$options[]      = array(
  'id'            => '_custom_meta_options',
  'title'         => 'Custom Options',
  'post_type'     => 'page', // or post or CPT or array( 'page', 'post' )
  'context'       => 'normal',
  'priority'      => 'default',
  'sections'      => array(

    // begin section
      'name'      => 'section_1',
      'title'     => 'Section 1',
      'icon'      => 'fa fa-wifi',
      'fields'    => array(

        // a field
          'id'    => 'metabox_option_id',
          'type'  => 'text',
          'title' => 'An Text Option',

        // a field
          'id'    => 'metabox_option_other_id',
          'type'  => 'textarea',
          'title' => 'An Textarea Option',


    // begin section
      'name'      => 'section_2',
      'title'     => 'Section 2',
      'icon'      => 'fa fa-heart',
      'fields'    => array(

        // a field
          'id'    => 'metabox_option_2_id',
          'type'  => 'text',
          'title' => 'An Text Option',



CSFramework_Metabox::instance( $options );

You should use _custom_meta_options as this is the id for your key declared into metabox config file. So your code must look like this:

$meta_data = get_post_meta( THE_POST_ID, '_custom_meta_options', true );
var_dump( $meta_data );

Let’s open themename/cs-framework/config/metabox.config.php all examples there

also you can use override method for config. see override

Taxonomy Configure

├── themename
|   ├── cs-framework
|   |   ├── config
|   |   |   ├── taxonomy.config.php

take a look taxonomy.config.php example

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die; } // Cannot access pages directly.
 * CSFramework Taxonomy Config
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
$options      = array();

$options[]    = array(
  'id'        => '_custom_category_options',
  'post_type' => 'category', // or array( 'category', 'post_tag' )

  // begin: fields
  'fields'    => array(

    // begin: a field
      'id'    => 'section_1_text',
      'type'  => 'text',
      'title' => 'Text Field',
    // end: a field

      'id'    => 'section_1_textarea',
      'type'  => 'textarea',
      'title' => 'Textarea Field',

  ), // end: fields

$options[]   = array(
  'id'       => '_custom_tag_options',
  'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
  'fields'   => array(

      'id'    => 'section_1_text',
      'type'  => 'text',
      'title' => 'Text Field',


CSFramework_Taxonomy::instance( $options );

You should use _custom_category_options as this is the id for your key declared into taxonomy config file. So your code must look like this:

// way #1
$term = get_category_by_slug( 'uncategorized' );
$term_data = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, '_custom_category_options', true );
var_dump( $term_data );
// way #2
$term_id = get_cat_ID( 'uncategorized' );
$term_data = get_term_meta( $term_id, '_custom_category_options', true );
var_dump( $term_data );
// way #3 post_tag
$term = get_term_by( 'slug', 'tag1', 'post_tag' );
$term_data = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, '_custom_tag_options', true );
var_dump( $term_data );

Let’s open themename/cs-framework/config/taxonomy.config.php all examples there

also you can use override method for config. see override

Shortcode Configure

├── themename
|   ├── cs-framework
|   |   ├── config
|   |   |   ├── shortcode.config.php

take a look shortcode.config.php example

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die; } // Cannot access pages directly.
 * CSFramework Shortcode Config
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
$shortcodes       = array();

$shortcodes[]     = array(
  'name'          => 'group_1',
  'title'         => 'Group #1',
  'shortcodes'    => array(

      'name'      => 'cs_toggle',
      'title'     => 'Toggle',
      'fields'    => array(
          'id'    => 'title',
          'type'  => 'text',
          'title' => 'Title',
          'help'  => 'Reference site about Lorem Ipsum.',
          'id'    => 'content',
          'type'  => 'textarea',
          'title' => 'Content',


CSFramework_Shortcode_Manager::instance( $shortcodes );

Let’s open themename/cs-framework/config/shortcode.config.php all examples there

also you can use override method for config. see override

Customize Configure

├── themename
|   ├── cs-framework
|   |   ├── config
|   |   |   ├── customize.config.php

take a look customize.config.php example

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die; } // Cannot access pages directly.
// -----------------------------------------
// Customize Core Fields                   -
// -----------------------------------------
$options        = array();

$options[]      = array(
  'name'        => 'core_fields',
  'title'       => 'Core Fields',
  'settings'    => array(

      'name'    => 'text_option',
      'control' => array(
        'label' => 'Text Field',
        'type'  => 'text',

      'name'    => 'text_option_with_default',
      'default' => 'bla bla bla',
      'control' => array(
        'label' => 'Text Field with Default',
        'type'  => 'text',

      'name'    => 'textarea_option',
      'transport' => 'postMessage', //Default Transport type for each setting is refresh, however, if you want to create live preview customization you can change it to 'postMessage'. Take a look at the example, we added trasport type to the color picker control.
      'control' => array(
        'label' => 'Textarea Field',
        'type'  => 'textarea',


CSFramework_Customize::instance( $panels );

How to getting options

echo cs_get_customize_option( 'text_option' );
echo cs_get_customize_option( 'text_option_with_default' );
echo cs_get_customize_option( 'textarea_option' );

Let’s open themename/cs-framework/config/customize.config.php all examples there

also you can use override method for config. see override


Filter Reference

// framework options filter example
function extra_cs_framework_options( $options ) {

  $options      = array(); // remove old options

  $options[]    = array(
    'name'      => 'section_unique_id',
    'title'     => 'First Section',
    'icon'      => 'fa fa-heart',
    'fields'    => array(
        'id'    => 'option_id',
        'type'  => 'text',
        'title' => 'First Option',
        'id'    => 'another_option_id',
        'type'  => 'textarea',
        'title' => 'Secondary Option',

  return $options;

add_filter( 'cs_framework_options', 'extra_cs_framework_options' );
add_filter args
cs_framework_settings This filter for change to current framework settings
cs_framework_options This filter for change to current framework options
cs_metabox_options This filter for change to current metabox options
cs_taxonomy_options This filter for change to current taxonomy options
cs_shortcode_options This filter for change to current shortcode options
cs_customize_options This filter for change to current customize options
cs_save_post This filter for metabox options save changes
cs_save_taxonomy This filter for taxonomy options save changes
cs_shortcode_exclude This filter for exlude post types for “add shortcode” option
cs_get_path_locate This filter for framework path initalize
cs_locate_template This filter for framework template initalize
cs_get_option This filter for get option function
cs_get_customize_option This filter for get customize option function
cs_websafe_fonts This filter for adding web safe fonts
cs_language_defaults This filter for multilangual languages

Action Reference

add_action args
cs_customize_register This action for extra field for wp customize
cs_add_icons This action for adding extra icon for icon field
cs_load_option_fields This action for extra field include


How to Add New Field

├── cs-framework
|   ├── fields
|   |   ├── password
|   |   |   ├── password.php
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die; } // Cannot access pages directly.
 * Field: Password
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
class CSFramework_Option_password extends CSFramework_Options {

  public function __construct( $field, $value = '', $unique = '' ) {
    parent::__construct( $field, $value, $unique );

  public function output(){

    echo $this->element_before();
    echo '<input type="password" name="'. $this->element_name() .'" value="'. $this->element_value() .'"'. $this->element_class() . $this->element_attributes() .'/>';
    echo $this->element_after();


  'id'    => 'unique_option_1',
  'type'  => 'password',
  'title' => 'Password Field',

You can create your own option fields. it is easy. you can use override method or directly modification method. let’s take a look examples.

How to Use Attributes

read more about tag_input attributes

  'id'            => 'unique_option_101',
  'type'          => 'text',
  'title'         => 'Text Field',
  'attributes'    => array(
    'maxlength'   => 10,
    'placeholder' => 'do stuff',
    'readyonly'   => 'only-key'
    'disabled'    => 'only-key'

read more about tag_textarea attributes

  'id'            => 'unique_option_102',
  'type'          => 'textarea',
  'title'         => 'Text Field',
  'attributes'    => array(
    'rows'        => 10,
    'cols'        => 5,
    'placeholder' => 'do stuff',

read more about tag_select attributes

  'id'         => 'unique_option_103',
  'type'       => 'select',
  'title'      => 'Select Field',
  'options'    => array(
    'green'    => 'Green',
    'blue'     => 'Blue',
    'yellow'   => 'Yellow',
  'attributes' => array(
    'multiple' => 'multiple',
    'style'    => 'width: 125px; height: 125px;',

You can use some attibutes for fields. Let’s see some examples for how to use attributes.

How to Use Dependency

// If text "not be empty"
  'id'           => 'dep_1',
  'type'         => 'text',
  'title'        => 'If text not be empty',

  'id'           => 'dummy_1',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'info',
  'content'      => 'Done, this text option have something.',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_1', '!=', '' ),
// If switcher mode "ON"
  'id'           => 'dep_2',
  'type'         => 'switcher',
  'title'        => 'If switcher mode ON',

  'id'           => 'dummy_2',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'success',
  'content'      => 'Woow! Switcher is ON',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_2', '==', 'true' ),
// If selected color is "black or white"
  'id'           => 'dep_3',
  'type'         => 'select',
  'title'        => 'Select color black or white',
  'options'      => array(
    'blue'       => 'Blue',
    'yellow'     => 'Yellow',
    'green'      => 'Green',
    'black'      => 'Black',
    'white'      => 'White',

  'id'           => 'dummy_3',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'danger',
  'content'      => 'Well done!',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_3', 'any', 'black,white' ),
// If radio selected is "No, Thanks"
  'id'           => 'dep_4',
  'type'         => 'radio',
  'title'        => 'If set No, Thanks',
  'options'      => array(
    'yes'        => 'Yes, Please',
    'no'         => 'No, Thanks',
    'not-sure'   => 'I am not sure!',
  'default'      => 'yes'

  'id'           => 'dummy_4',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'info',
  'content'      => 'Uh why?!!!',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_4_no', '==', 'true' ),
  //'dependency' => array( '{ID}_{VALUE}', '==', 'true' ),
// If checkbox selected is "danger"
  'id'           => 'dep_5',
  'type'         => 'checkbox',
  'title'        => 'If checked danger',
  'options'      => array(
    'success'    => 'Success',
    'danger'     => 'Danger',
    'info'       => 'Info',
    'warning'    => 'Warning',

  'id'           => 'dummy_5',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'danger',
  'content'      => 'Danger!',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_5_danger', '==', 'true' ),
  //'dependency' => array( '{ID}_{VALUE}', '==', 'true' ),
// If image select is "blue"
  'id'           => 'dep_6',
  'type'         => 'image_select',
  'title'        => 'If check <u>Blue box</u>',
  'options'      => array(
    'green'      => 'green.png',
    'red'        => 'red.png',
    'yellow'     => 'yellow.png',
    'blue'       => 'blue.png',
    'gray'       => 'gray.png',

  'id'           => 'dummy_6',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'info',
  'content'      => 'Blue box selected!',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_6_blue', '==', 'true' ),
  //'dependency' => array( '{ID}_{VALUE}', '==', 'true' ),
// If image select is "blue or green"
  'id'           => 'dep_7',
  'type'         => 'image_select',
  'title'        => 'If check <u>Blue box or Green box</u>',
  'options'      => array(
    'green'      => 'green.png',
    'red'        => 'red.png',
    'yellow'     => 'yellow.png',
    'blue'       => 'blue.png',
    'gray'       => 'gray.png',
  'radio'        => true,
  'default'      => 'gray',
  'attributes'   => array(
    'data-depend-id' => 'dep_7',

  'id'           => 'dummy_7',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'info',
  'content'      => 'Blue box selected!',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_7', 'any', 'green,blue' ),
  //'dependency' => array( 'data-depend-id', 'any', 'value,value' ),
// Multiple element dependencies
  'id'           => 'dep_10',
  'type'         => 'text',
  'title'        => 'If text string <u>hello</u>',

  'id'           => 'dep_11',
  'type'         => 'text',
  'title'        => 'and this text string <u>world</u>',

  'id'           => 'dep_12',
  'type'         => 'checkbox',
  'title'        => 'and checkbox mode <u>checked</u>',
  'label'        => 'Check me!'

  'id'           => 'dummy_10',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'info',
  'content'      => 'Done, Multiple Dependencies worked.',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_10|dep_11|dep_12', '==|==|==', 'hello|world|true' ),
// Another Multiple element dependencies
  'id'           => 'dep_13',
  'type'         => 'select',
  'title'        => 'If color <u>black or white</u>',
  'options'      => array(
    'blue'       => 'Blue',
    'black'      => 'Black',
    'white'      => 'White',

  'id'           => 'dep_14',
  'type'         => 'select',
  'title'        => 'If size <u>middle</u>',
  'options'      => array(
    'small'      => 'Small',
    'middle'     => 'Middle',
    'large'      => 'Large',
    'xlage'      => 'XLarge',

  'id'           => 'dep_15',
  'type'         => 'select',
  'title'        => 'If text is <u>world</u>',
  'options'      => array(
    'hello'      => 'Hello',
    'world'      => 'World',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_13|dep_14', 'any|==', 'black,white|middle' ),

  'id'           => 'dummy_11',
  'type'         => 'notice',
  'class'        => 'info',
  'content'      => 'Well done, Correctly!',
  'dependency'   => array( 'dep_15', '==', 'world' ),

Let’s take a look how to using dependency

How to create Customizer Live Preview

Edit transport type

// codestar color picker
  'name'          => 'codestar_color_picker',
  'default'       => '#3498db',
  'transport'     => 'postMessage', // Default Transport type for each setting is refresh, however, if you want to create live preview customization you can change it to 'postMessage'. Take a look at the example, we added trasport type to the color picker control.
  'control'       => array(
    'type'        => 'cs_field',
    'options'     => array(
      'type'      => 'color_picker',
      'title'     => 'Color Picker Field',

Default Transport type for each setting is refresh, however, if you want to create live preview customization you can change it to ‘postMessage’. Take a look at the example, we added trasport type to the color picker control.

Preparing Customizer Javascript

( function( $ ) {

  // Update the site title in real time...
  wp.customize( '_cs_customize_options[codestar_color_picker]', function( value ) {

    value.bind( function( newval ) {
      $( 'body' ).css( {
        "background-color": newval



To handle the live preview, we need to create a Javascript file for all customizer handling. Let’s create our customizer file name cs-customizer.js and place it in your js theme folder.

Please notice that the control name is wrapped within _cs_customize_options[setting_name]

Enqueue the Script

 * Used by hook: 'customize_preview_init'
 * @see add_action( 'customize_preview_init', $func )
function cs_customizer_live_preview() {
    'mytheme-themecustomizer', // Give the script an ID
    get_template_directory_uri().'/js/cs-customizer.js', // Point to file
    array( 'jquery','customize-preview' ), // Define dependencies
    '', // Define a version (optional)
    true // Put script in footer ?
add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'cs_customizer_live_preview' );

The next step is enqueuing the javascript file we have created before.